Pioneer ministries and fresh expressions of church


Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Seven Promises

You may have heard that CMS (Church Mission Society) has become an acknowledged community of the Church of England and Jonny Baker has recently blogged about the implications of this.  As a mission community CMS is now able to do some things that it wasn't able to before which will give it greater freedom to encourage pioneer mission and to develop a new training programme for pioneers.  As part of the establishing of the community seven statements have been formulated which community members adhere to as a rule of life and I thought it was worth mentioning them for us all to consider:

1. I want my life to be about mission
2. I believe God is still working in this world
3. Mission isn't someone else's job, it's mine
4. I want to live for Jesus every day
5. I realise I need fuel for my journey
6. I want to help my local Christian community keep mission a priority
7. I want to regularly renew my mind and spirit

They strike me as being a pretty good statement of what we should be striving for!

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