Pioneer ministries and fresh expressions of church


Tuesday, 21 February 2012

Setting the compass

At their January Learning and Support day, the VentureFX pioneers were led in a time of prayerful reflection by Dave Saunders, pioneer in Inverness. Dave spoke of the varying challenges to be faced and of the need to be directed and guided by God. He produced a compass (pictured) which was used in our prayers and which will be kept by each pioneer in turn for a month to underline our common sense of needing God's Holy Spirit to help us navigate the uncharted territory that our mission often leads us into.

Dave led us in the following prayer which he had written and which others may find helpful to make their own:

May we know the closeness of Christ wherever we find ourselves. 
May we look to Him to be our compass in life's chaos.
May we lose our need for control.
May we epically fail and still limp on.
May we see our scars as the pioneers map.
May we see things upside-down.
May we sleep at night dreaming of possibilities.
May we wake with energy to undo what needs to be undone
May we breath the rhythm of life.

Every wave surfed, every mic sung in, every paint that dries, every street  walked, every coffee drunk and every meal eaten, MAY IT BE for Christ's gain. 


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