Pioneer ministries and fresh expressions of church


Thursday, 16 February 2012

VentureFX Rhythm of Life

The VentureFX team of pioneers values being part of a shared journey of experience, reflection and understanding about mission which takes the context of never-churched people seriously.  Over the last two years this evolving community of pioneer mission within the Methodist family has been reflecting on the underlying values and rhythms which give direction to the journey.  Recently the group of pioneers has articulated this in a Rhythm of Life.  Our hope is that, in due course, others who share this or a similar journey might find this rhythm to be helpful for their journey too.

We are a pioneer mission movement of the Methodist Church. VentureFX pioneers are committed to journey together and with others as part of an evolving community of pioneer mission. Our work is with those who don’t currently connect with Christian faith or the Church. We are called to be at the edges, where Christian faith can creatively engage with contemporary culture, building the church from the outside in. We seek to invite people to be disciples of Jesus and to live out that discipleship in radical and relevant community with others.

We are committed to a rhythm of life which flows from three core values:

    Innovation - breaking new ground and planting
                         for the future

    Imagination - dreaming God’s vision for what church
                            could become

    Incarnation - immersed in our communities
                          in the name of Christ

We seek to express those values by:

Reflecting on our spiritual journey as disciples of Jesus

Observing a common day for the discipline of prayer and fasting (normally Wednesday)

Gathering together for support, encouragement and learning

Sharing in a retreat to renew our individual and common life with God


  1. Thanks for this, I really like it and hope it would be something those of us who seek to be pioneers in other forms of ministry could join in with.

  2. Hi David, no reason why people can't draw on the rhythm in any way which is helpful. We're hoping that we might be able to find a way of encouraging others to share in it maybe in a slightly more formal way in due course - still working on that!
