Pioneer ministries and fresh expressions of church


Tuesday, 14 February 2012

Edinburgh dreams

Lou Davis is one of the latest VentureFX pioneers to begin working with the scheme.  She had previously been leading the C3 community in Stockport but has now moved with her husband to Edinburgh to work with networks of young adults in the city.  She describes some of her early activity:

Part of my reason for being in Edinburgh is to help people who might be new to the city to fit in and find friends. I’m beginning by being a newbie to the city and trying to make friends. I’ve been on the lookout for things that are happening in the city which are interesting, creative and joyful. Some of them I’ve been able to go along to, others I’ve not but I hope to soon! These are presented in no particular order:

Granny Greens

A weekly meet up for crafters. I’ve been along to this a couple of times and hope to make it a regular feature of my week! We’ve met in cafes or pubs and taken a project along to do, or sometimes there’s an opportunity to learn something new, and there’s a book group too. I’ve been welcomed every time I’ve been along, a very friendly bunch!

Edinburgh Cake Ladies

Apparently baking is a trend. I’m just glad that the rest of the world has caught up with what we home bakers have always known … that there’s nothing like a homemade slice of cake. Edinburgh cake ladies (and gents) meet up a few times a year to share cakey goodness with one another. I’m already planning what cake I could make to take along to their next meeting!

Out of the Blue

I went to a Christmas craft market at the Out of the Blue Drill Hall, just off Leith Walk. It was so good, I had to text my vintage and textile loving friend from Manchester to gloat Taking a look at their website, there’s loads going on there, arty stuff, music, dance. I’m sure I’ll be back soon.

Edinburgh Printmakers

Edinburgh Printmakers have a fabulous light open space with equipment for any type of art printing you can think of. I went to their open day at the end of last year and came away excited by the prospect of doing one of their courses. Members can use the studio at any time, and that’s a big incentive as signing up to a course gives you membership for a few months so you can perfect your skills.

That’s all for now but I’ve only just scratched the surface. There will be more to come!

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